Thursday, August 27, 2009

Windows Hack to Make a folder locked

Normally people use a lot of software to make file locked this normally is bit awkward (i feel so).

This is simple trick to make files locked/hidden....

Step One: Make a folder in any drive for example in C drive rename it as "xyz" (without quotes).

Step Two: Now open Command Prompt."cmd" (without quotes) in run from start menu

Step Three: Type "attrib +s +h C:\xyz" without quotes and press enter.

Step Four: Command will make your folder hidden and it can't be seen even in hidden files and folders

Step Five: To make it visible again type "attrib -s -h C:\xyz.

You can do this for any folder of your choice just change the address C:\xyz to your folder location.

Linux Startup Hack

Simple ticket to insert a script in startup

Step one: Create a script in /etc/init.d/ -> This is executed at statup

Step Two: Use the command -> update-rc.d with following syntax

update-rc.d [script-name] start [seq-num] [list-of-run-levels]
In this we have,
[seq-num] = 0 - 99
[list-of-run-levels] is separated by space, and terminated by "."


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