Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How to Remove Windows XP's Messenger

Open Explorer
Navigate to %SYSTEMROOT% \ INF folder.
For info The thing with the percentage signs is a variable.
For most %SYSTEMROOT% is C:\Windows.
For others, it may be E:\WinXP. Take it?
In the INF folder, open sysoc.inf (before that make BACKUP copy).
Look "msmsgs"
Near the end of the particular line with "msmsgs", you'll see the word "hide" is not so hidden.
Now Delete "hide" (so that the flanking commas are left sitting next to one another).
Save the file and close it.
Now, open the Add and Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel.
Click the Add / Remove Windows Components icon.
You should see "Windows Messenger" in that list.
Remove the checkmark from its box, and you should be set.
NOTE: there are other hidden system components in that sysoc.inf file, too. Remove "hide" and the subsequent programs at your own risk.

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